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Madonna - Take a bow (edit)-4.25 / Take a bow (instrumental)-5.20 - Sire - 7 inch Insert Numbered Picture Disc - Vocal 90s Pop

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Take a bow (edit)-4.25 / Take a bow (instrumental)-5.20 by Madonna UK Sire W0278P Stereo 7 inch Insert Numbered Picture Disc Vocal 90s Pop.

Artist Madonna
View Artists Madonna /
Title Take a bow (edit)-4.25 / Take a bow (instrumental)-5.20
Other Tracks
Formats 7 inch / Insert / Numbered / Picture Disc /
Genres Vocal / 90s / Pop /
Label Sire
Catalogue Number W0278P
Mode Stereo
Origin UK
Year 1994
Condition of Cover M- View ItemView ItemView ItemView ItemView ItemView ItemView ItemView ItemView ItemView Item
Condition of Record M View ItemView ItemView ItemView ItemView ItemView ItemView ItemView ItemView ItemView Item
Price £7

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7" picture disc

+ numbered insert


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