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Stewart, Al - Carol (3.24) - CBS - 7 inch Promotional Issue - Vocal Folk Rock 70s

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Carol (3.24) by Stewart, Al UK CBS S CBS 3254 ST 7 inch Promotional Issue Vocal Folk Rock 70s.

Artist Stewart, Al
View Artists Al Stewart /
Title Carol (3.24)
Other Tracks Next time (4.17)
Formats 7 inch / Promotional Issue /
Genres Vocal / Folk / Rock / 70s /
Label CBS
Catalogue Number S CBS 3254
Mode ST
Origin UK
Year 1975
Condition of Record M- View ItemView ItemView ItemView ItemView ItemView ItemView ItemView ItemView ItemView Item
Price £26

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Special info:Original issue-see other listings

Promotional white label with large orange A and release date {25th April 1975-which has been crossed through and 16575 [16th May 1975] written underneath}

Formats:7" promotional issue

Cover(s) condition:

Record(s) condition:M-

Comment: Label variation A: With 4 prong push out centre-see other listings for variation

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