All labels
Sort by: Name | Total Products- Osiris Items: 1
- Osmose Productions Items: 1
- Our Price Items: 1
- Out Of Orbit Items: 1
- Out Of Step Items: 1
- Outcaste Items: 1
- Outcasts Only Items: 2
- Outer Himalayan Items: 1
- Outlet Items: 2
- Output Items: 1
- Oval Items: 1
- Ovation Items: 2
- Over-X-Posure Items: 1
- Overdrive Items: 2
- Overground Items: 2
- Overseas Items: 2
- Oyster Items: 9
- Ozone Items: 1
- p Items: 1
- P and R Enterprises 124278 (Canada) Ltd Items: 1
- p&c spectral/Pure Music Items: 1
- P.B.S. Ltd Items: 1
- P.D.T. (Planet of the Dancing Trees) Items: 1
- Pablo Today Items: 1
- Pacer Items: 2
- Page One Items: 28
- Page One/Trutone Items: 1
- Paisley Park Items: 2
- Paisley Park/Warner Bros Items: 24
- Paisley Park/Warner BrosGemini Items: 1
- Paisley Park/wea Items: 3
- Palace Video Items: 2
- Palazzograssi Items: 4
- Palette Items: 2
- Palitoy Items: 1
- Pallas Items: 1
- Pama Items: 1
- Pama Escort Items: 1
- Pan Items: 2
- Pan Vox Items: 2
- Panda Items: 1
- Paperhouse Items: 1
- Papillon Items: 1
- Paradise Items: 1
- Paradise Records Items: 1
- Paradox Items: 1
- Paramount Items: 8
- Parlophon Items: 6
- Parlophone Items: 552
- Parlophone (gold/black) Items: 2
- Parlophone (Rhythm Series) Items: 1
- Parlophone (Rhythm Series) / Dôme Items: 1
- Parlophone (Rhythm Series)/The label is Parlophone Rhythm Series / Dôme Items: 1
- Parlophone-Jugoton Items: 1
- Parlophone-Odeon Items: 1
- Parlophone/Apple Items: 2
- Parlophone/Jugoton Items: 1
- Parlophone/Liberty Items: 1
- Parole Items: 3
- Parolphone/Food Items: 1
- Parragon Items: 1
- Partnership Items: 1
- Passport Items: 2
- Past Present Items: 2
- Patches/Lyntone/Stiff Items: 1
- Pathe Items: 1
- Pathe Marconi Items: 2
- Pathe Marconi EMI Items: 3
- Pathway Items: 1
- Paul Dainty Items: 3
- Paul Loadsby/Killtorch Items: 1
- Paul Sinclair Items: 8
- PAX Items: 7
- Payday Items: 1
- PDU Items: 1
- Peaceville Items: 22
- Peaceville/Deaf American Items: 1
- Peak Items: 1
- Pearl Items: 1
- Pearlkey Items: 1
- Peckham Action Group/Action Group Records Items: 1
- Peg Items: 1
- Pegasus Items: 15
- Penguin Items: 5
- Penny Farthing Items: 6
- Penny Farthing/Bellaphon Items: 1
- Penta Items: 1
- Pentagon Items: 2
- People Items: 1
- People Unite Items: 1
- Pepita Items: 3
- Pepperwell Ltd Items: 1
- Permanent Items: 7
- Permanent Records Items: 2
- Permanent Records/Cog Sinister Items: 1
- Peter Maurice Music Co Ltd Items: 2
- Peter Walsh/Kennedy Street Enterprises/Tito Burns Items: 1
- Phantom Items: 9
- Phffft Items: 1
- Phil Spector International Items: 1